What would you do if you could not fail and you were not afraid?
I came across these two questions today while scrolling through Tumblr and I stopped and thought, I really don't know how to answer that. So I decided to dig deeper and really think about what I'd do.
Honestly, I'd be a journalist for Cosmopolitan if I knew I could not fail, if I wasn't afraid of failure and I knew I was the best for the job. That's my dream job and some think, wow, it's a sex magazine, but that's not all. I love it because it's interesting and it helps so many women with self esteem issues, sex lives, style, health and relationship ups and downs. I love that about Cosmo. I love that it's targeted towards a wide audience of women: the shy, the out-going, successful, unsuccessful, overweight, those who lack style and etc. Just like I try to do here, I would want to voice my opinion, with research and a team and help women all over the world to a better and more fulfilling life.
I would also sky dive. To feel the rush of free falling, being totally out of control of what happens next, having the adrenaline pumping through my whole entire body as I can't catch a breathe, seeing the world from so far away get closer and closer every second, foot, that I'm falling.
I would put myself out there more. I am an outgoing, fun-loving person, but I can also be shy believe it or not. Through my insecurities, I have shied away from things I could have experienced because I think i will look absurd or someone will be standing there, waiting for me to fail, like so many times before, so they can laugh and do it better. If I was not afraid, I would think positively all the time. I would not have a care in the world and I would live through an optimism's approach. But I am afraid to fail and get hurt. I am afraid of not being good enough for some one or a special some thing - irrationally or not. These are things I wish to change, because "the only thing to fear is fear itself."
I never took that quote to heart until now as I thought of it. We must fear, fear itself because it can essentially take over how we think and the way we live. There are tons of people who will not get behind the driver seat of a vehicle because they are afraid. This is major because that is an experience we should all have the luxury of having. Some are afraid to voice their opinions; something I am not personally afraid of. They have been torn down and told negative things for so long, that they no longer want to voice their concerns, ideas or opinions of other matters. This tears you apart as a person and as an individual mind; always speak up, you have nothing to lose.
Some are afraid to love or love again. This is a hard one because no one really wants to fall in love again once heart broken. But let me tell you something, you can be afraid of it, hide from it or think negatively toward it, but you will never help falling in love; it is not something you can control. Never be afraid to love someone who treats you wonderfully and loves you. Love CAN be scary. Love is blind and when in a relationship with someone who is not good to you, things can go wrong and you can hurt herself more than ever by being blind of it all; believe me. But never be afraid, take life for all it's got. Experience everything you can, live everyday fully and happily; you only get one chance at this.
Many people would do different things in their lives if they were not afraid and could not fail. I would peruse my dream career, that hey, I might just have one day. I would also stop the negativity, even though I've been trying to do that every day. Negatively comes from being afraid and being afraid to fail, two feelings I wish did not exist. But they do and we need to learn to deal with them the best we can. We cannot let fear run our lives. We must go out and get what we want and what is best for us.
So, now I ask you again. What would you do if you could not fail and were not afraid?
Be strong, be bold.