06 May 2011

do it for you.

This life isn't easy. And the phrase, "I wish I was your age again" by elders...
is bull.

I mean I guess, yeah, for purposes like not having to be COMPLETELY on your own and having to deal with things. But I'm dealing with money struggles and stressful life situations at nineteen too. It isn't as easy as everyone said it'd be now is it?

but you just gotta keep pushing through. nothing can stop you if your head is raised and your confidence is up. nothing and no one. I'm having a very good day today. I'm not quite sure, the weather, the fact that school is almost done for me. I don't know. But I'm loving it. I'm smiling, I was singing and dancing around...and it feels great to be like this. So great that I don't know why I don't find a reason to be like this every day. I think everyone should.

but sometimes things just get hard, and you feel like you can't push on by...but you can. what you CANNOT do, is give up on yourself. Once you give up, you won't get back in the amount of time you think you will, believe me. I lived in a cycle. Happy, disappointed, sad, depressed (for a week) repeat. It's not easy pulling yourself up from the ground, so stay high up instead. : )

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