12 May 2011


what do you see when you look in the mirror?
have you ever been asked this question? I have. and at one point in my life I didn't know what to say.

I thought about what I saw within myself. And at one point, I saw nothing. I saw a failure, someone who was too sensitive and too emotional, someone weak and insecure. And it was the worst feeling in the world.

I'm not going to say that even today I don't have doubts in myself, cause I really do, but I get through them better than I was before. I am still insecure about myself, but I don't see myself as that person anymore.

I see a strong girl who has been through a lot. I see someone who may cry, but that doesn't mean she's weak. I see someone who could use daily visits to the gym, but does not stress, because when she has time, she'll get to where she wants to be physically. I see a girl who knows what she wants, and will do anything to get it. And I see someone who has come such a long way. And I'm proud.

everyone should be proud of themselves for overcoming such things. Don't ever degrade yourself just because sometimes you mess up, or there's nights where you cry yourself to sleep. That doesn't make you a bad person, weak, or a failure. You can follow your dreams, you just have to start with believing in yourself.

Stare into your horizon, and don't let a single thing get in your way of it.

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