21 February 2012

look through different eyes.

you learn something new every day 

this is very much true in my life. in each and every day I experience new things, deal with new problems or road blocks and learn something new. 

This weekend, compromise was the topic on hand. 
        Fighting seems so bad, but sometimes, it is just what you need to fix things. I have learned that compromising is a huge part of life. There are always things that are going to come up that you do not want to do, like going to class, hanging out with some people you just are not fond of or figuring out what is most important to you, and compromising your priorities. It is a life lesson to me. I am thankful now that my relationship with my boyfriend will have more of it, rather than more fights (that we hate). I realize more every day that life is a learning experience.

I think learning from every situation and experience you are given is so important. Every new friend I make, teaches me something about myself or even just life.  Every hard decision I have to make or every stressful day I have, I learn something more about myself and how to handle myself. 

The meaning of life is not clear. It is not written down for us on paper, it is not taught to us by our parents; it is created and made from our minds, experiences and hearts. I never knew what I wanted to do with my life, who I wanted to help, inspire or make happy. I never thought of anything less than having a lot of money and having everything, just because I could. Because isn't that what everyone sees? Money, fame, lights, the perfect life?
but whose perfect life is that? Yours? Or what society has illustrated for you?

I think that as we grow and see new things, the meaning of our lives becomes more clear. Do I think we'll ever know it 100 percent? No. But I do think that having a grasp on what is important to you, will benefit your life.

So with each day, learn. Realize that money, fortune, being better than everyone and being selfish are not things we all should be or be striving for. Learn to love what you have and live to be happy, nothing less. Sometimes, taking a step back and realizing all the things you wanted, are a cliche modernized dream...is what everyone needs.

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