25 April 2012

the strangest secret

After reading an inspiring book two nights ago off my kindle, i began to think differently, instantly. I know you are probably like, "that does not happen instantly, believe me I have tried," so I know what you are saying because I have been trying to think differently for a long time. But sometimes, just a little something you read or see can change your whole outlook on things. Reading inspirational books and watching videos of the sort occupies a lot of my boyfriend's time at night. He has really gotten into the psychology of things and moving forward in a positive way. If he had not gotten captured by this "positive outlook" way of life, I do not think I would be doing very well right now. Being away from home is so hard for me because I am so close with my family. Making friends, and I do not mean just people you can talk to every day, I mean best friends, is hard for me because I am let down a lot, have been let down a lot in life and have trust issues. No one is who they say they are, and that just bluntly sucks. So without him, positive things are hard to come by honestly.

Now, about this book. It is called "The Strangest Secret" and it was written in the 1950's. This short book, only about 60 something pages, was just what I needed for a wake-up call. It talked about the definition of success and how people perceive it negatively or wrongly. Success is not making a lot of money. Being successful is not made out of someone being extremely wealthy, but how people get to that point. It is about the love someone has for what they are doing and accomplishing. Money means nothing and ironically, it means everything in this world. Society has become so accustomed to wanting and needing everything that costs money, that successful people are the millionaires. My parents may have not made a lot of money in their lives, but I can say to you that I believe my mom is a successful person. She may not LOVE to drive into work everyday but she loves what she does and would rather be there than anywhere else. My mom has made a living for herself, me and my brother for the past six years and she stays strong and smart along the way. That is her success. Staying strong, becoming the best mother to me and my siblings and living her life along the way; it has nothing to do with what is in her bank account, we are just fine.

I keep ranting. Anyway, this book has made me think of things more clearly and more directly. The 30-day-challenge in this book is something you do every single day, for 30 days. You write down a goal, which is super important if you want to strive and achieve something of greatness, and look at it twice a day. You must maintain positive and fulfilling thoughts about yourself and this goal and if you choose to stray away from that, you must start at day 1, all over again. This challenge is really going to help me in life and I believe I will use it in many ways. Right now, since I am still a college student, life goals are not going to be on my paper that I read daily. I am going to start small, with the thing I want most right now. And that is to be fit and have my self-confidence rise to a point where I am genuinely happy with myself, no if, and's or buts. I am going to start this goal the day I get home from school for the summer and really stick to it. This is among many ways you can achieve goals positively.

Everyone should read inspirational things, even if you think they will not affect you. I have been through a lot in my 20 years of living and writing here in my blog is very helpful to me. I love to write things that people can read and interpret in a way that is helpful to their lives.

Be strong, be bold.

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