except sometimes, I want to turn mine off.
the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz didn't have one, so?
I want to be able to get out of my own mind. Escape what it's making me think and worry about constantly. Why do I do it then? I don't really know. But I'm tired of it all. Everything I worry about, cry about, stress about...it's all in my head. There is not one thing wrong with my relationship, so why do I over-think it constantly? I don't have to impress everyone in the world, as long as I'm happy right? So why am I so hung up on impressing my boyfriend? I. DO. NOT. KNOW.
So I'm trying new things.
I want to keep my mind busy on the important things, not the less important. I know people who don't stress and don't worry like I do...24/7. So why can't that be me?
and I'm going to figure it out. I am a good person, a strong person. I am a great friend and an excellent girlfriend. I care so much about people and love the ones closest to me. So why think otherwise?
stand. up. tall. and. proud. of. yourself.
stop worrying about impressing others, when you should be impressing yourself. love yourself first, then worry about what others think of you and expect from you.
look your world in the face and say "I can do it. I'm not going to let my mind take over and let it win. My heart knows what's right and that I need to believe in myself. Because I AM special and I AM beautiful and I AM a great person." So start acting like it.
and do it now. today. you can.

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