Recently, things have changed a lot for me; for the better that is. I am truly satisfied and happy with my life and the things going on throughout it. And although it has taken me this long to be fully content, I wish nothing more than my friends to feel the way I do right now and even better than this. I care for them so much that when they feel pain, I usually do too. So throughout my happiness, I encounter sadness too because I take my friend's feelings very closely to my heart.
Someone very close to me experiences things in her life that some will and some will not. She has been through a lot and although she has hit rock bottom more than once, she is still standing beautifully today. But as we conversed yesterday morning, I really learned about myself. Sometimes when you are trying so hard to do something, forget something or someone, learn from something or just enjoy the moment, you cannot. Some things have a way of not happening when you want them to, then hitting you at the last second of a moment you did not ever expect. I have been through this more than once, and someone very close to me just experienced it as well. But I did not stop to think about it until yesterday when she brought it up.
A quote from Perks of Being a Wallflower: "We except the love we think we deserve."
Along with the rest of the book, this is a great quote. And it is true. We except the love and many other things because we think that is all we deserve. But honestly, how many of us think we deserve everything? Sometimes it is hard to realize what we really do deserve and what things we are actually better than in our lives, because a lot of the time we are very modest. But should we be? I mean, to a point yes, but in all aspects?
I myself have never thought I deserved more than what I had and a lot of my friends feel the same way. But perhaps that is because of what we have been told, showed and experienced in our lives. But after these past few weeks, for me, and after only one night for my friend, we have learned that we DO deserve everything we can get our hands on. We have all struggled, worked hard and got through things maybe others have not or things we did not expect ourselves to get through, so give yourself a break and take what you deserve from life. Do not settle yourself short.
"Never settle for less than butterflies" is another great quote I have read. This shows that no matter what it is, do not settle for anything less than something that makes you so happy. I have really learned this the hard way. Always doing things for other people before myself, helping others when all I want is to be listened to, cherishing others more than myself and making others happy, even if that meant I was not. That is not good. I am a very selfless person, but sometimes, you need to be selfish in a way that makes you happy. Nothing is more important than your own happiness at the end of the day.
Realizing that you deserve great things is very hard for people to do most times. We never want to say, "you're/this is not good enough for me," but sometimes we think it. Next time that happens, push yourself farther and get what is good enough for you; get what you deserve. Settling for the safe things or things that made you happy at one point, but no longer fulfill your needs anymore, is no way to live. I have learned this and it makes me so happy to know someone close to me is finally learning it too.
"A smile is the best makeup a girl could ever wear."
Be strong, be bold.